Sunday, November 10, 2013

iPad Air: setting up for the first time


When you get your new iPad Air out of it's box, you really want to turn it on!

This is a tutorial on how to set it up as a fresh, new IPad, not restoring it from a previous backup.
First screen is a Hello screen which will do a sideshow of the word hello in several languages, to start the initial set-up slide from the arrow to the right.
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
In the next screen choose which language you want the iPad to be in, when you press it will go automatically to the next screen
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
Select your country or region from the next screen. This will help the iPad set-up regional settings such as how it shows the date, the currency, numbers, etc... It also will default your App Store to that country - it is easily changed after if needed.
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
The next setting is wifi. If you aren't setting up tethered to a computer with iTunes you will need wifi to proceed aporia install apps. Press on your wifi and insert the password if you have one.
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
The iPad will take a few moments to contact Apple's servers and activate itself
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
Next screen is to turn location services on or off. If you are extremely concerned with privacy I would turn them off otherwise keep them on as to have applications such as maps know where you are and be able to supply directions or even have the iPad change the time automatically when you go to a new time zone.
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
In the next screen you can restore settings from another iPad device (if you are upgrading or changing iPad) from iCloud or from iTunes. Since we are setting up the iPad as a new device, we press set up as new iPad.
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
Next screen is to set-up your Apple ID. Very useful for downloading apps or music on the App Store / iTunes music store or for FaceTime calls. If you don't have an Apple ID yet you can create one here.
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
Next screen is for you to agree with Apple's terms and conditions. The agree button is way down on the button to the right. Another pop up comes up. Press agree again.
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
IPad Air IOS 7: first set-up
It will take a few minutes to communicate with Apple and set-up your ID
iPad Air IOS 7 first set-up
Next screen is about iCloud. iCloud can automatically synchronizes several items with apple servers. The advantage for you is that it is a secure online backup ( in case your iPad is stolen or breaks ) and it automatically pushes to your other Apple devices - such as a picture that you take with the iPad will appear automatically on your iPhone or on iPhoto on your MacBook if they are logged on to the same Apple ID. You can choose what to synchronize afterwards, options are email, contacts, calendar, reminders, Safari history / favourites, notes, the new keychain, photos, documents and apps and find my iPad.
iPad Air IOS 7 first set-up
Next screen after iCloud is Find my iPad! which allows you to pinpoint on a map where your iPad is, if it is connected to a wifi or 3G, and even send messages, lock it or in extreme cases erase all it's info A very useful feature that most people don't know about. 
Imagine you lost your iPad, you can send a message to it that appears on the lock screen saying:
Please contact phone number xxxxx 
To try and get it back.
I would have it enabled.
iPad Air IOS 7 first set-up
After choosing Find my iPad, the next screen you can choose if you want iMessage and FaceTime activated and in which email / phone number people can reach you. Have ticked where you want people to be able to FaceTime you. You can turn off iMessage or FaceTime individually later.
iPad Air IOS 7 first set-up
After all these iCloud settings it will take a few minutes to set it up:
iPad Air IOS 7 first set-up
It will then set-up the lock screen passcode. Insert a four digit number you can remember.
iPad Air IOS 7 first set-up
You can set-up the iCloud keychain, useful if you have multiple Apple devices to keep passwords. Particularly useful if you have a Mac with MacOS Mavericks and you don´t want to memorise a lot of passwords. Not sure how secure it is yet….
iPad Air IOS 7 first set-up
And done! Press get started to start using your new iPad!!!
iPad Air IOS 7 first set-up
In the next post, how to set-up email and others!

Thursday, November 07, 2013

iPad Air Diary: Day 2


24 hours afterwards, here are some more impressions of the iPad Air.

Coming from an iPad 1, the size and especially the weight continue to impress. Weight wise, it's really light. Continueing Apple's comparison with pencils, it weighs less than a box of Caran D'ache color pencils - it's that light. 
Reading with it is enjoyable as holding it up over a long period of time doesn't tire you.
Size, it's small and thin - really thin. Since I didn't buy a cover yet, I currently stor it in the backpack in the middle of a bunch of A4 sized papers  I'm reading. It gets lost in there.
After you start using it, there are two things that you notice - first is the retina display! A big difference when upgrading from a previous non-retina device. Your eyes can see the difference. Especially if you go back to using the old device it now seems that everything has jagged edges, like if you were seeing a 8bit video game.
Second is the touchscreen, the iPad airs has an improved feel to it when typing. It has a softer feel than the iPad 1. It's like the 1 is a hard glass surface with no flexibility, whilst the iPad air has a slight impact absorption to it - like it's not 100% hard. Much better when typing for long periods of time!
The speed is MUCH better than the original iPad, however I'm not very impressed. Reading about the iPad air on the internet, tech blogs compare it's power to that of a 2010 MacBook Air. However while using it doesn't feel that fast. I haven't done CPU intensive tasks such as movie editing with iMovie, so it may be because of IOS7 animations ( I'm still keeping my IPhone on iOS6, so it's my first experience ), however the opening of apps, games, switching apps, they all seem to go at a "normal" speed - not blazing quick.
So, what did I do on day 2?
I installed the iPad as a new device vs from the backup of my iPad 1, so the first hours were spent installing apps, email addresses, calendars, etc...
Apps: One really good thing of the iPad air is that Apple offers iWork and iLife apps (Pages, Numbers, Keynote and iMovie, iPhoto and GarageBand) for free automatically. You just need to enter the App Store and download them - it changes the price to free if you enter with the iPad air. Good news is you can then sync to iTunes on a Mac / PC and resync the apps to all other IOS devices such as your iPhone - it is still free.
iPad air
The wifi when downloading is quick, but given the new apple technology I expected more. It's .. Normal.
Email / contacts: pretty straightforward as with any IOS device. For gmail, hotmail, etc.... It's very easy with a dedicated set-up for these types of email:
iPad air
For other types of email, it helps to have the settings such as server name, incoming / outgoing port numbers, etc....
The only issue I've seen is with Facebook integration. For some reason the Facebook integration rejected my password and now doesn't let me change / add a new one. And it constantly gives the error message below:
IOS7.0.3 facebook error
When I have a solution I'll post it to the blog.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

iPad Air Diary: Day 1, Set-up and first impression review

It's my birthday. Well, almost my birthday but lucky for me my wife likes to give presents before.

But before opening the gift, some background so you see why my impressions of the iPad air are what they are. I got the original iPad as a birthday gift (amazing wife I have) when it came out in 2010. I never would have bought it - thought it was a silly over sized version of an iPhone but when I got it, I couldn't put it down. Really. I would spend sleepless hours in bed touching, pointing, reading, playing. It was THAT magical.
Recently my iPad 1 still has it's place on the living room table, but I use it less and less. Why? because it simply got too slow, and lost the magic of everything just working quickly. Using safari is a struggle, opening several webpages almost impossible. HD movies stagger on it. I think it's "normal" as the iPad 1 was a Steve Job's experiment and nobody knew at the time it would have the amazing sell-out that it did. It had reduced CPU and memory specs, which Apple would improve a lot with the iPad 2, which is still sold to date. The poor 1 didn't age well, making me prefer to use my 2010 Macbook Pro which with a SSD hard drive upgrade flies....

Fast  forward to 2013...
Out from hiding comes a little bag with my gift. My first look at the bag left me perplexed, I had said (not directly) that I might like to have an iPad but this box is too small! Opening the wrapping, it's definitely an Apple box and... YES! An iPad! I open the box and pull it out. But, my first thought was "Oh crap!" she bought the iPad mini and that just seeing the size of the box! When I open it and see the device, I was convinced - she really bought the iPad mini - how do I tell her to exchange it?

iPad Air WiFi 32Gb White / Silver MD789LL/A

But no, reading the box, it's a brand new Silver iPad Air 32Gbs Wifi only model, just what i wanted! It's that small! at least for someone used to an iPad 1. How does Apple do it? I ran for my iPad 1 and compared.

iPad 1 vs. iPad Air

Of course the iPad cover does´t help….so taking it off

The screen size is similar, however they reduced the bezel and made in extremely thin. As thin as a pencil, just like the Apple ad ...

Turn it on and the screen is much more detailed than the iPad 1! I spent the whole night configuring, installing email, apps, etc...
Still remember when we used to need to many things tethered to iTunes, nowadays it's all via wifi. Wow!

More review to come on diary day 2....

I love my new iPad Air already, however there is one thing that I miss - the feeling of magic! This is probably what is missing in the post Steve Jobs era, somebody that invents products that WOW you and change your habits dramatically. The first iPad did that for me. This iPad is an upgraded version of that, fast, beautiful, light - but it is an iPad.